This Saturday we will be having out annual sumer BBQ party. Everyone is invited, members current and past, friend, family, kids. Come introduce your Non-Bytown family to your Bytown family. We will be having food, BYOB if you want, as well a bouncy castle inside for the little ones. If you can please RSVP as it makes food prep a little easier.
If anyone has a Propane BBQ that lives nearby it would be appriciated, it saves me from lugging mine in from Riverside South. I can pick it up with my SUV if it is not huge.
A) Stiff Legged Deadlift
3 Sets x 3 Reps @ 8-9 RPE
Use crash mats or plates to elevate the bar if your mobility does not allow you to lift from the ground.
B) A.
Double Dumbbell Kickstand Deadlift
3 Sets x 12-15 Reps/Side
Rest :90sec between sets.
Sled Push
Work to a Max Weight for 40m.