This is just a reminder about Coach Victoria's awesome Remembrance Day event this weekend. For more details click here.
Bytown Committed Club
You might have either received a sticker or seen some people with stickers around Bytown. This is a little attempt to gamify ( your fitness, which besides making it a little more fun, has been shown to lead to better results with many people. Most importantly, it’s fun and we get some fun statistics friendly competition.
Unfortunately, it only has your Bytown attendance, so no idea what else you are doing outside of the gym. So do not feel judged, even showing up 1 time every week or two is better than never showing up. You are already an outlier if you step inside a gym.
We have noticed that the clients with a higher compliance to physical activity will stick around longer, thus resulting in better result long term. Our goal would be to get all clients at 50% attendance (or 3-4 days of physical activity total per week, in or out of the gym)
So what exactly is the Bytown Committed Club? There are 5 levels based on total attendance for the year, including weekends. There are 5 levels. 15%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. The majority fall into the 15% and 25% club. Nobody is in the 75% club, and only 1 amazing member is in the 100% club. He is getting a special prize to set him apart from everyone else.
Who is this Mr. 100%, well it is Antonio Dirienzo, he started rowing 5km every day last year during ROWVember, and he just didn’t stop. He came in EVERY DAY and rowed his 5k. Even if he was sore, even if it was snowing, even if he didn’t want to do it. The majority of those 5k rows were under 20 minutes, which is impressive enough to do once. He has increased his rowing efficiency, mental fortitude, cardiovascular conditioning, as well as heart heath during this year journey. It has been truly inspiring to see him stick to this.

Unfortunately, for newer members the number will not add up, but stick around and we will see what happens over the next sticker release. These stickers are for the 2024 year, so you still have time to check in more often to get an upgrade on your current sticker. This also makes sure people actually sign up for classes, so if you are one of those who never make reservations, it’s time to start.
If you think that there is an error of you have been missed, drop me a note and we will review it. For newer members who want a sticker let me know and I can calculate out each case individually from your start date.
Are you interested in getting the workout and some health tips in your email daily? Subscribe here.
Just a reminder but you can sit down for a FREE goal setting session with me to help go over a plan to help you reach your goals. If you don’t have any goals, we can also work on that to help give you some motivation and better directions.
A) Every 2' for 10 '
8-10 DB Z-Press @ RPE 7-8
* Spend 5-6 Mins warming up to a a weight in the RPE range.
12 Burpee Pull Ups
60 Double Unders
30/24 Cal Row/Ski (21/15 Bike)
Saturday (Remembrance Day Madness)
Have a friend who got diagnosed with heart disease (enlarged heart, at 30 😳) and his doctor warned him not to do any intense exercise. Lives in Toronto but if he were a resident here 100% would have referred him to save his health