A Word From Your Coach
The 2025 CrossFit Games season is upon us! Registration for the 2025 CrossFit Open is now available. It is 3 workouts over 3 weeks with scaling options for people of every level.
Feb 27 Workout 1
March 6 Workout 2
March 13 Workout 3
We realize that most people in the gym have no aspirations of ever going to the CrossFit games. This is why we host our own internal competition every year. It will be the same as last year. We will have Team Beauty (Juan) vs Team Beast (Victoria)
If you have never done The Open before, it is alot of fun. The energy and excitement in the gym is incredible. It is an action packed 3 weeks. We anxiously await the workout annoucement as we try to guess what movements will be involved, hoping we will be able to to them. If not, there is pressure to try to practice that movement for the week in hopes of improving it. You get to chat with all the other members and coaches about their experience with the workout. Picking up tips and strategies. Hoping you will plan out yoru execution of the workout properly. You also have a judge that will be assigned to you to ensure you are doing the right amount of reps and that you are doing the movements to the right standards. It can be a stressful time, but it is also lots of fun.
If a training cycle this is what you would call the testing phase. Wether you are experienced or not, this is a great way to set a baseline. There will be hundreds of thousands of athletes doing each workout. So you will have so much data to see where you currently stand. It also give you the option of re-trying these workouts in the future to see if you improve.
If you are interested in spectating at the games there is good news. The games will be hosted in Albany NY this year. It is the closest it has ever been and is just a short 5 hour drive. I am not sure if I will attend this year or not, but I managed to grab some hotel rooms near the venue for around $100 a night. Tickets are still not available for the games so no idea how expensive it will be. When the prices are announced I will be sure to inform everyone.
A) E2MOM 12
3-5 Strict Pull-ups
3-5 Double KB Font Squats
2-4 Double KB Clean and Jerks
3 Double KB Reverse Lunges
KBs at RPE 8-9*
* Lets find a good fight for this workout!! Tension > Position
Go heavy, reduce the reps in the rounds rather than drop the weight.
B) With two Kettlebells
40 m Double KB OH Walk
60 m Double KB Front Rack Walk
80 m Double KB Farmers Carry
Go as heavy as you can.
Rest as needed.
Will the workouts for wed-fri be posted?