Congrats to those who showed up and did Murph yesterday. It was a great turnout and everyone looked like they were having a great time. I hope your strategy worked, and try to remember for next time we do it what you need to work on and how to pace it better.
Having just returned from vacation I would like to provide a little insight from what I have learned from years of training and taking vacations. The key to a vacation is to relax. It allows to you recover both mentally and physically. Don’t worry about training too much, if the place doesn’t have a gym. Thats fine. Find something to do that keeps you moving. Maybe some Yoga, a beach run, some hiking. Just find something that is more relaxing or try some new activities.
You are not going to “loose all your gains” in a week. Just don’t overdo it on the food and alcohol. When I was in Italy for 10 days I made it a point to not train. I walked for hours every day, stretched at night in the hotel room. I felt great when I got back. It gave my nervous system and joints time to decompress. It’s always nice to be eager to train after you get back from vacation.
With a combination of eating well and not drinking, I know a waste of money at an all inclusive, I actually managed to come back feeling great and down 6 pounds.
A) Power Snatch
6-7 Sets x 3 Reps @ 7-9 RPE
Rest :60-:90sec between sets
Practice a touch and go style for all sets.
B) 6 Rounds x :20sec On/:10sec Between Movements
Row for Meters
Plate Ground to Overhead 45/25
Rest 2 Minutes
6 Rounds x :20sec On/:10sec Between Movements
Double/Single Unders
Single Arm Kettlebell Swings*
*Switch arms every round.