if you have watched any of the CrossFit games you have come to know two voices. Sean Woodland, who has been doing the commentating on the action, and Niki Brazier who has been doing the athlete interviews after their wins. Sadly, both have not been asked to come back for the 2024 season. No public reason has been given, but I hope they have some great people lined up.
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A) Paused - Eccentric Chin Ups
1 Sets x 4 Reps
5 Sets x 3 Reps
Pause for 1 second at the top, and control down for 3 seconds.
Perform these either on the bar or on the rings.
Use a band for assistance if needed.
Attempt to pull yourself as high as possible.
Rest as :60-:90sec between sets.
B) A.
5 Sets:
1 Dip Support Hold
1 Dip Negative
1 Low Ring Transition Negative
Perform this starting from the top of the dip. Slowly work your way to a dipped position from the top. Then transition your way down to the top of the pull up. If performing from the high rings, perform the pull up negative as well.
Muscle Up Movement Patterning
5 Sets:
3 Ring "Pop and Pull" Transitions
2 High Ring Beat Swing Pull
Rest :60sec between sets