Today is back to basics. Let’s talk water. This is one of the best things you can do for your health. I mean water, not diet soda, or flavoured drinks, and definitely not anything sugary. Many of us do not get nearly enough water.
Many in the fitness industry understand the importance of water. It allows you to recover better, perform better, reduces appetite, and is necessary for proper functioning of your body.
If you don’t already have one, get yourself a water bottle and start carrying it with your to work and the gym. It’s a nice constant reminder to keep your hydration up. There are also some FREE Bytown sticker up at the front if you want to rep your Bytown pride.
There is no hard and fast rule for proper hydration. There are too many factors and too many individual differences. The best cues are if you are thirsty, it’s probably already too late. The “golden rule” is the darker your pee, the more water you need.
Are you interested in getting the workout and some health tips in your email daily? Subscribe here.
Just a reminder but you can sit down for a FREE goal setting session with me to help go over a plan to help you reach your goals. If you don’t have any goals, we can also work on that to help give you some motivation and better directions.
A) Single Arm Conventional Deadlift
1 Set x 10 Reps/Side @ 6 RPE
4 Sets x 8 Reps/Side @ 7-8 RPE
Rest :90sec - 2 Minutes between sets
B) 20 Conventional Deadlifts @ Bodyweight
40 Dumbbell Pull Throughs 35/20
60 Dumbbell Reverse Lunge 35/20
800m Run
100 Russian Twist Slams
Time Cap: 16 Minutes
12 Minute EMOM
Even: DB Macho Man (50/35 |b)
Odd: BB Macho Man (135/95 |b)
*** A MACHO MAN is 3 power cleans, 3 front squats, and 3 shoulder to overheads.
Hero WOD "Michael Camelo Jr."
20 Minute AMRAP
5 BB Cluster (135/95 |b)
31 Push Up
20 Box Jump (20/14 in)
18 Russian KB Swing (53/35 |b)
Yard sale
for cals: 4 SETS 3:00 ON/1:00 OFF
15 box jumps (20/24)
12 power snatch (65/95)
9 handstand pushups
- max cal row in remaining time
Rest 4mins
Then every 3mins for 15mins
10/15 cal row