Time flies when you are not paying attention. The longest day of winter has already passed and summer is approaching faster than you think. Its a little more than 5 months, or less than 160 days, until the first day of summer.
This means you have time to get ready. Most people get motivated to loose weight twice a year. New years and when the weather starts getting warmer. If you fall into this group, now is the time to get started. Be finally comfortable in your own body, be healthier and comfortable.
You can start making small changes and easily hit your goals by summer. A person who takes care of their diet could safely and comfortably loose 10-20 pounds of bodyfat by summer. For most people, this would be a huge win. All the while developing skills and habits that will allow you to keep it off.
This is where our nutrition coaching comes in. Its a personalized approach where we work with you to find out what is going to be best for you to fit your lifestyle and goals. With constant access to a coach for any questions you have and to guide and support you along the way. The final goal being you are equipped with the skills and habits to continue or maintain your progress.
If you are interested, please reach out.
A) Sandbag Squats
5 x 5 reps
Aim for a sandbag that's challenging but allows you to maintain form. Try and get deep, but maintain tension. Tension over position.
B) Accessory Work
3 Sets:
- Goblet Curtsy Lunges
8-10 Reps / Leg
- Single Leg Box Squat *
5 Reps/leg
Split Squats
2 Sets
Max Reps in 1 min / leg
1 min rest in between sets