"Did you know? A $10 donation can spay 1 cat, and a $20 donation can spay a dog. Every dollar and peso counts!
It's that time again where I am preparing for my volunteer trip to Cozumel Mexico this Spring.
Those who know me recognize how volunteering at my first spay/neuter campaign in Mexico 2019 changed my life for the better and each year I make it my goal to return the favour by changing the lives of so many innocent cats and dogs.
YES, I am reaching out again! Please check out the website kancozumel.com to see what your donation is helping with.
I want to make it clear that I pay out of my own pocket for my flights there and back as well as my accommodations and food. All the donations I receive go directly to helping Kan-Cozumel. I use the funds to purchase supplies needed for the campaign as well as using the funds to enable us to do more free surgeries for those in need.
I simply ask you to open your hearts and believe in me! It's not about the size of the donation...it's what I do with it! And that is saving the precious lives of dogs and cats.
You can also message me privately if you feel better sending e-transfers or if you have empties you want to donate.
Love Jenn"
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A) 3 Sets:
Reverse Sled Drag x 40m (As heavy as possible)
Sandbag Squat x 10-15 Reps @ Up to an 8 RPE
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
B) 50 Wall Balls
50 Burpees
50 Thrusters 45/35
Time Cap: 10 Minutes